Why A Blog About Leadership and Technology that Talks about Spirit?

When first starting this blog, I called it: “Leadership | Technology | Zen”. It was my intention to write about leadership and technology, but round it out with an aspect of the ‘self’. A good leader needs to be aware of themselves and do the work necessary to improve, become more aware, and possibly even ‘awake’. Many terms that need a bit more explanation, but let’s just roll with it. I chose Zen as the third component as it was my path of self discovery. I have many years of Zen practice under my belt that helped me pay attention to the more subtle parts of life.

Why the change to “Spirit” you might ask. Well, Zen is one aspect, one modality that is useful in the self-journey. Over the recent months, I have started embarking on a broader, more inclusive, spiritual journey. To drive this point home, let me define what spirituality is. That way, we are all on the same page here:

Spirituality is a broad and deeply personal concept that encompasses a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. It involves the exploration of meaning, purpose, and the sacred. Unlike religion, which is often structured and communal, spirituality is individualized, allowing each person to define their own spiritual path and practices. It can include beliefs, experiences, and practices that foster a sense of peace, wholeness, and connection. As you might agree with, everyone is in some way spiritual; whether you are religious or not.

The personal significance of spirituality lies in its ability to provide a sense of purpose and meaning in life. It offers a framework for understanding and navigating life’s challenges, promoting resilience and emotional well-being. Spirituality can enhance one’s sense of identity and belonging, fostering a deeper connection to oneself, others, and the universe.

Understanding spirituality involves exploring one’s beliefs, values, and experiences. And this is where the circle closes back to leadership. If you want to grow, you should be aware of your limiting beliefs. If you are striving to be a good leader, you should be aware of your values.

How Do I Practice Spirituality?

The practice of spirituality starts in everyday life. It’s not necessarily a thing I do, but the way I live. However, there are practices that I pursue to deepen my practice, such as

  • Meditation – I still sit in zazen regularly
  • Journaling – Not always at the same frequency
  • Breathwork – I specifically like Wim Hoff Breathing
  • Visualization – Specifically guided visualizations are the modality that work best for me
  • Gratitude practice – Sometimes during my meditation hour, sometimes adhoc – for example right now.
  • And more – There are so many modalities and I like switching them up

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